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My Landscaping Adventure and Lessons for Entrepreneurs

When was the last time you tried something completely new? Think about it for a moment.  It's a question that doesn't cross our minds often, does it? But it's powerful. …

The Machine that is YOU

Have you ever thought of yourself as a machine? Yeah, a complex, high-performance machine, just like a sports car or a finely-tuned computer. I know, it sounds a bit out…

How YOU can be your biggest supporter

Alright, let's get into something that might just change the game for you.  It's all about being your own biggest supporter.  I know, I know – it sounds a bit…

How to Deal with Sh*tty Days as an Entrepreneur

I know this is a dumb question, but for some reason, it's the only intro I could think of, so I'll ask it anyway... Have you ever had a shitty…

Mastering the Mundane: The Secret Ingredient to Success

Let's start with a simple question: Do you make your bed in the morning? I know, I know…  "Not this again — what's making a bed got to do with…

Willpower: The Starting Line, Not the Finish

Ever hit that moment where you're staring down a doughnut, telling yourself "no" for the hundredth time?  That's willpower at work.  But here's the thing: willpower is just the start. …