One day, a blind man was asking for change in a busy city park…

He had a dog, a tin cup, & a held a cardboard sign.

On the sign, someone had written:


But no one was giving him any money.

A young woman walked by & saw the blind man & his sign.

The woman owned a business two blocks down the street & helped companies advertise.

So the advertiser took a black marker from her purse, flipped the cardboard sign around, & scribbled some words on it.

Then, without saying a word, she patted his dog on the head, replaced the new sign besides him, & walked away…

Immediately, the man began hearing coins hit the bottom of his tin jar… and people began leaving more money than he’s ever experienced before.

The blind man was unbelievably surprised  🙏

After a while, the cup started overflowing with coins & bills.

Grateful from the experience, he started becoming more curious to know what the woman wrote on his sign.

With a big smile on his face & a tear rolling down his eye, he stopped the next person that walked past him to ask what the new sign now said…

The person stopped, bent down next to the homeless man & said:

“It says”…


***end story***

You see, I didn’t make this story up.

It’s a classic tale that’s been told for many many years, & it proves:

The words you use – is the life that shows up 💯

That’s true for life & business.

And especially when it comes to growing your own client-getting Facebook™ group.

When we look around, we see so many coaches & course creators holding up the *wrong signs* in their marketing…

… and then left wondering why they can’t get more consistent clients for their coaching programs.

What they don’t know yet, is every word they use inside of their group – is a magnet.

You see, your words are either pulling people towards your coaching programs or pushing them away.

And once you learn the power of using strategic content inside of your own group and bend communication to capture the attention & hearts of your perfect high-paying clients …

… the world opens up…

… & your leads, sales, & impact explodes.

So take a second and ask yourself:

“What signs am I holding up in my group right now?”

Because they matter.