👇Watch Danielle’s Case Study Here!👇

About Danielle

Danielle is an intuitive reiki master and spiritual empowerment coach who helps women heal from toxic relationships through divine guidance and spiritual practices.

She offers a variety of courses, a membership site, and one-on-one coaching to guide her clients on a journey of healing and personal growth.

With her unique approach, Danielle helps her clients regain their confidence, learn energy healing for themselves, and share their newfound knowledge with the world.


Before working with Clients & Community, Danielle faced several challenges in her spiritual coaching business. She struggled to make sales, generate consistent income, and effectively promote her offerings.

While she had a growing following on YouTube and a Facebook group with nearly 3,000 members, her engagement and conversion rates were low.

Danielle invested in multiple courses and coaching programs, but they failed to provide the support and guidance she needed to achieve her goals.

Feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about her future in the spiritual business, Danielle knew she had to find a solution that could help her overcome these challenges and turn her passion into a successful venture.


  • Achieve sustainable growth and monetize her Facebook group.


  • Generated over $5,000 in revenue within just two weeks!


Danielle enrolled in the inner circle program offered by C&C. She quickly went through the training materials and started applying the provided templates for her course.

Utilizing their promotional cycle and social media strategies, Danielle focused on organic growth and engagement within her Facebook group.


Danielle made $5,000 within the first two weeks of implementing the strategies learned from the program.

In her second month, she launched her Heal Your Life course and her 21 Days to Opening and Accelerating Your Psychic Abilities course, generating over $10,000 in revenue.

She now aims to achieve $200,000 in annual revenue, and her next goal is to reach $20,000 to $30,000 per month using organic growth strategies before considering paid advertising.

“You guys made it just so easy to do this stuff. I didn’t have to really think about it. I’m like, oh, okay, an engagement post, I know exactly what I need to do. Okay, a one-liner, like I know exactly what I need to do, you know? Every single thing you guys do in here, there’s a strategy, there’s a reason why you do it… everything that you guys do in here is for a specific reason. And the income reports that you show, I mean, this is where you’re learning how to do business.”


Ready to pull off a Danielle-style success? 🚀

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