You’ve probably scrolled through your Facebook feed and come across a post that caught your eye, right? One that made you stop, read, and even engage. But here’s the million-dollar question: How often does that happen?

If you’ve been with us on this journey, you know that growing a group is one thing (and if you haven’t, check out Part 1 and Part 2 first!). But keeping that group engaged? That’s a whole different ball game.

In this part of our 5-part series, I’ll be spilling the beans on our strategic content formula and how it’s been the linchpin of our success…

Content: It’s Not Just What You Say, It’s How You Say It…

Here’s the thing… You could have the best insights in the world, but if you’re not delivering them in a way that resonates, it’s like shouting into a void. 

For the longest time, our posts were…well, sporadic. Random topics, no real flow. And as you can guess, our results mirrored that inconsistency.

But everything changed when we started approaching content with strategy and intent.

We realized it wasn’t about posting every day. It was about making each post count.

The Game-Changer: Strategic Content Formula…

So here’s what we did differently…

Firstly, we stopped doing what everyone else was doing. Because if you want to stand out, you’ve got to, well, stand out. Our content shifted from generic to laser-focused, tied to the very solutions our group offered.

We began crafting posts that were genuine conversations. Not sales pitches, not bland tips. Real stories, real experiences, real results. We tackled objections, shared wins, and most importantly, connected with our audience.

But the magic? It wasn’t just in the content itself…

The Secret Sauce: Leveraging External Assets…

Remember when we talked about our email and SMS lists? Here’s where they came into play in a big way.

After posting in our group, we didn’t just sit and hope people would see it. We actively pushed our content. A quick email, a brief text, and BAM! Instant engagement. Not only did this give our posts an initial boost, but it also gave them longer-lasting traction, courtesy of Facebook’s algorithm.

The result? Posts that not only got seen but also made an impact.

The Impact: Quality Engagement Over Quantity…

Let me share a quick number with you: 20%. That’s how many members in our group regularly see our posts. To put that into perspective, most pages struggle to hit even 1%.

But it’s not about the numbers; it’s about the quality of the interaction. By being intentional and strategic, we’ve built a community that’s not just large but also engaged, responsive, and most importantly, connected.

Your Next Step…

So, here’s my challenge to you: Think about your group’s content. Are you posting with purpose? Are you leveraging all your assets? Or are you just hoping for the best?

Stick around for Part 4. We’ll reveal our unique conversion method that turns passive group members into active clients. And trust me, it’s not what you think…

Remember, don’t just follow the crowd. Let’s do this together!

Catch you in the next one!