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About John & Annie Meng

John and Annie Meng are transformational coaches, with backgrounds in corporate environments that left them unsatisfied. Meeting at a personal development seminar, they were united by their drive to help others and their shared dissatisfaction with their careers. 

Their experiences as Tony Robbins’ platinum partners and as independent entrepreneurs in their respective industries ignited their decision to create a business together. Annie, with her background in investment banking and commercial real estate, combined her skills with John’s passion for transforming mindsets to create a unique coaching program.


Despite their enthusiasm and commitment, John and Annie faced several challenges in their entrepreneurial journey. 

With a desire to quit their corporate jobs and start their coaching program, they found themselves grappling with financial insecurities and the daunting uncertainty of pursuing their passion full-time. Without a clear roadmap, they were apprehensive about the potential risks involved. 

Yet, they were equally determined to make a transformative change, which required them to confront these challenges head-on and devise a strategy to navigate their path to success.


  • Gain knowledge and clarity through the Prominence Partnership Program to kick-start their coaching business
  • Develop a strong mindset and stay committed to their goal
  • Break free from the typical process and take immediate action


  • Successfully signed up three clients for their $10,000 program
  • Helped clients save $150,000 and pay off $30,000 in debt
  • Raised their own income by offering programs and coaching


John and Annie Meng joined Clients & Community’s comprehensive Prominence Partnership Program in order to learn how to start their own business. Recognizing that the first steps involved a mindset shift, they immersed themselves in the program, adhering closely to its guidelines and making the most of exercises like “the millionaire mindset day.”

Understanding the importance of not rushing the process, they took things step by step, following the program exactly. They also aimed to fulfill their clients’ needs rather than just falling in love with their own products, reflecting a client-centric approach to business.

Having no prior products to offer, they crafted their offer module during the program, managing to sell it even before they had packaged all their knowledge into a comprehensive format. This forced them to quickly and efficiently package their knowledge, which they sold successfully.


Through their disciplined approach and commitment to the Prominence Partnership Program, John and Annie were able to see tangible results. Within a short promotional cycle, they spoke to 10 interested parties and eventually signed up three clients for their $10,000 program.

Moreover, they used their acquired knowledge and skills to coach 27 people to increase their income by over $800,000 in 12 weeks, save $150,000, and pay off $30,000 in debt. This shows the significant impact they made on their clients’ lives.

In addition to serving their clients, they were also able to significantly raise their own income through their program and coaching services. 

“Clients & Community (C&C) already laid out different paths. For the past three months, we’ve gone through and created the offer, the avatar, and got a clear vision. This daily system of getting more traction, getting us out there, hearing feedback, and refining the offer is a result of their disciplined approach. C&C is indeed creating ridiculous results.”

John Meng

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