Picture this…

You’re on the edge of sealing the deal. Your prospect is interested, nodding; everything seems to be going smoothly… And then, out of the blue, they drop the classic line: “I need to talk to my spouse before making a decision.”

Sound familiar?

For many, it’s a curveball that sends them back to square one. 

But here’s the inside scoop… With the right strategies, you can turn this potential roadblock into a smooth detour…

Let me break it down for you…

The “We” in Conversations

When you’re on a call, your ears need to be sharper than ever… Listen for the subtle cues. 

Words like “we”, “us”, or even “my partner”. These aren’t just words. They’re doorways to understanding the dual dynamics of your potential client’s life.

Let’s set the scene: 

The phone call starts great. You’re listening keenly, and suddenly you catch hints like “we”, “us”, or “my partner.” 

Ah-ha! There’s someone else in the picture. 

Now, instead of getting blindsided later, we dive deep, engaging in a casual conversation. “Oh, who’s the ‘us’ you mentioned?”… And there we go, peeling back the layers…

If they drop a hint, follow the breadcrumb trail.

It’s not just about eavesdropping. It’s about understanding. Who are the significant others in their life? How do they feel about the potential decisions? 

By taking this proactive approach, we’re not only building trust but also paving the way for fewer objections down the road.

But what if they don’t mention anyone? 

Pro tip: during your discovery chat, casually ask about their support system. Who’s got their back? Who cheers them on? Often, behind every successful individual is a supportive partner—be it in life or business.

But hold up—this isn’t a time for assumptions. Just because someone’s Facebook profile says “in a relationship” doesn’t mean they’re in every single decision. Respect the boundaries. Understand the roles.

Understanding the Partner’s Role.

When you’ve identified that significant “other”, the real conversation begins. 

How do they feel about your potential client’s ambitions? Have they been burned before by a previous program? Did it cause tension at home? If so, you need to be prepared to address those past experiences and ensure history doesn’t repeat itself.

Engaging The Spouse Directly – The Tricky Part.

Once you’ve got all the juicy insights, the next step is crystal clear—with permission, involve the partner! 

Not as an afterthought but as a valued part of the decision-making team. 

By getting them involved early on, you’re not just showing respect – you’re also ensuring that everyone is aligned. No surprises, no last-minute objections.

Remember, it’s about collaboration, mutual understanding, and most importantly—making both feel seen and heard.

Let’s dive a bit deeper…

Positioning and Respect…

If your prospective client wants to discuss this with their partner, let them. Better yet, facilitate it. Schedule a follow-up that includes their partner. Be proactive. Send materials ahead of time. Make the call efficient, effective, and enlightening.

This isn’t just about selling; it’s about educating and making sure everyone’s on the same page.

The Follow-Up Call: Setting the Tone.

When setting the stage, keep it neutral and conversational.

Always be respectful. Address potential objections head-on. 

It’s all in the tone… Neutral, conversational, personal. Mention that significant other by name. That shows respect. It shows you’re not just selling a service – you’re building a relationship.

So… Reiterate the client’s goals, present the tailored plan, and always—always—be proactive.

Address those concerns before they come up. Offer solutions. Make the decision easy for them.

The Endgame…

Money talks. 

Once the process is laid out, dive into finances. 

Can they manage the investment? Do they need options? Address this. Equip them for that spouse conversation. Confidence is key…

In Conclusion…

So, next time you hear “I need to talk to my spouse,” don’t just hear the words. Listen to the story behind them. Understand the dynamics. Respect their process. And most importantly, be prepared to navigate through it seamlessly.

It’s about connections, conversations, and yes, conversions.

Now, I challenge you…

Look at your current sales process. Where are you missing the mark with addressing the partner in the decision-making process? Where can you be more proactive?

Simplify. Streamline. Engage.

And remember… behind every “Let me talk to my spouse” is an opportunity. An opportunity to build trust, show respect, and truly serve your client.

The ball’s in your court.

See you at the top… And don’t forget to bring the spouse with you! 😉